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E- Membership

E-Membership is open to women who live more than 4 hours from the metro Atlanta area.


As an e-member you have access to all our virtual benefits listed below however we understand that you may not be able to attend every service project or event, so your membership is discounted.


As CGWB grows, we plan to open chapters all over the world! As an e-member, you can be influential in opening a chapter in your city or country. By partnering with us now, you get to experience the organization first hand!

private fb


The private FB group will be for quick announcements, weekly inspiration and engagements, program voting, etc. only available to members.

quarterly development


Webinars specifically designed for for CGWB members facilitated by experts


rates to


Discounted rates to CGWB events and merchandise. Early access to new CGWB merchandise!



Every voice counts at CGWB. As a member you will have the ability to impact our service projects and the growth of the organization.



Member spotlights, CGWB announcements, birthday celebrations, event information, monthly inspirations all delivered to your inbox!


Membership: $18

Annual dues: $25 (March)

Pay your initial membership fee below. Upon receipt, you will be invited to access  the members only section of the site to download and complete your enrollment.

Any questions pertaining to membership may be sent to

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How do I become a member of CGWB?


  • To become a member of CGWB, you must pay your initial membership fee of $18.  After payment is received, you will be provided access to the members only section to download your membership materials.


How often will CGWB meet?

  • Our goal is to host two brunches and an annual conference each year with four service projects.  Each member will be provided with a 15-month calendar of events with their membership package.  Committee members will meet via conference call or in person at least once a month.


Are there commitment requirements to retain an active membership?


  • Yes, participation in CGWB service events and payment of your annual dues ensures your membership remains active and you retain your voting rights. Your annual dues secure your membership for one fiscal year (March- March).



Can my membership be cancelled?


  • Yes, your membership may be cancelled at any time however because dues support operating costs and programming we are unable to extend refunds.


Are my annual dues automatically renewed or do I have to reapply for membership each year?


  • Your membership is automatically renewed each year if your dues are paid by March 31st of the current year. Reminders to pay your annual dues will begin in February of the current year.



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